July 13, 2010

Ella's 2-year stats

Height: 34.25" (~60th percentile)
Weight: 28 lb 5.5oz (~70th percentile)
Head circumference: 20" (95+ percentile...as usual)

There was slightly less screaming than normal at today's appointment, so I consider that a small victory of sorts.  She did have to get one shot and a finger stick (which was the worst bit...the nurse had a hard time getting enough blood). 

We've had an ongoing issue with one of her eyes drifting and not staying completely focused.  I tend to notice it more when she's tired, but we do occasionally see it other times as well.  We had it checked a couple of months ago by her pediatrician, and he said to watch it, and we'd follow up at her appointment that we had today.  There hasn't been any real change in it one way or the other since then, but to make sure that the vision is developing properly in both eyes, we're going to make an appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist.  It's not a major concern at this point, but better safe than sorry, especially considering the crummy vision both of her parents have.

Other than than, a clean bill of health, and hopefully, no more visits until she's 3!

1 comment:

Atta Girl Amy said...

We really like Triad Eye Associates in High Point. Dr. Fulp there specializes in kids. I had similar concerns about Jackson's eye, especially since I had a lazy eye and had to get glasses at 2. Dr. Fulp checked him out -- and even was able to get his eyes dilated without screams -- so she's a true hero in our book.