The problem, though, turned out to be finding somewhere to take her. I thought surely there would be some kind of kid-friendly hair-cuttery around here, but I was wrong. I don't have a salon or hairdresser that I go to on a regular basis at all, and I wasn't willing to risk a SuperCuts or Great Clips disaster. So we wound up driving to Durham -- yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds that we drove an hour each way to get the kid's hair cut. (We did have dinner at The Cheesecake Factory -- where we saw 'Canes announcer John Forslund! -- so we had that little bonus as well.)

wailing away.
I wound up just having them trim it up and make it tidier -- I think she took off around an inch, maybe. She also got a few little layers put in to bring out her curls in the back a bit more.
And because I'm a sucker, I wound up getting their "First Haircut" package -- it came with before and after pictures, a lock of her hair, and a little certificate. Too much.
Here's the finished product (complete with her lollipop reward):
Gorgeous! I can't believe there's not a kids' haircuttery place in GSO. That's crazy!
She looks adorable! Sorry if it was a little tough. Beauty takes time!
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