October 15, 2010

Girls' weekend

After several month of planning, this past weekend some of my oldest friends and I had a UNC mini-reunion!  My junior year roommate from Granville, Laura, was gracious enough to volunteer the use of her family's amazing beach house near Beaufort.  She, Sara, Erika, Shelly and I met up in Goldsboro and caravanned down for a long-overdue weekend of relaxation.

I think the dolphins we saw in the sound right after we arrived were a good omen for a wonderful weekend.  The weather was lovely, and the company could not have been better.  We all had such a great time -- reminiscing, laughing, and catching up.

The plan is for us to hopefully do this again semi-annually, if not annually.  Certainly not once a decade!  That's just far too long between visits, and as Laura said, we'd all be in menopause the next time we got together! 

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