March 19, 2011

More on Jon's job

I think I mentioned a few posts back that Jon got a call from his boss when were in FL to tell him that the center he works at is closing.  That wasn't anything that we were ever expecting, and sort of put us into a tailspin.

Turns out, though, that things aren't as *quite* as bad as we initially expected.  Yay?

Really, though, the company is doing a *lot* for their employees, including super-generous severance packages, the opportunity to work virtually for some people, or the option to relocate to one of their other three centers in Phoenix, Ft Lauderdale, or Salt Lake City.

We did a good amount of research, went to relocation seminars at Jon's work, and after weighing everything out, it seems like Salt Lake City is going to be the best fit for us.  Who would have thought it?  We're actually pretty excited.  Or as excited as you can be when your hand is forced like ours is being, I guess.

Jon's busy interviewing for various positions right now, and we don't have any sort of timeframe at this point -- it's sort of been just "hurry up and wait".  It's a little frustrating for me, since I have zero control over the situation, and have very little information -- I tend to be kind of Type A about stuff like this.

But anyway, the company is sending us on a scouting trip of sorts next month -- flying us out, putting us up for a few nights, and letting us get a general feel for the city and the center Jon would be working in.  Pretty nice.  And we'll get to meet with our real estate person while we're out there and get an idea of some housing options, too.

So that's where we are with that.  Not a ton of information, really, but I'll update more as we know more.

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