- She can sing her ABCs (as evidenced by the video I posted awhile back -- she's much clearer and faster now), and LOVES to do so. Many times a day. She's starting to recognize some of the letters as well.
- In addition to the ABCs, she's a big fan of singing in general. Other popular songs: "Wheels on the Bus", "If You're Happy and You Know It", "Old MacDonald", and "Rock A Bye Baby", and several different ones that they sing at school. She's also been known to make up her own tunes from time to time.
- She can count to 12, and sometimes will try and throw some random "-teens" in afterward, including the newly discovered "forty-teen". She doesn't quite get the actual concept of counting THINGS yet, though. I'll ask her to count a group of whatever, and she'll just start reeling off the whole list.
- Within the past week or so, she's just barely become tall enough to hit most of the light switches in our house, if she REALLY reaches. Since she's found out she can do this, turning the lights on (and sometimes off) has become her life's work. Seriously, the child cannot pass a light switch without trying to flip it, and if she can't reach, I have to heft her up. I shudder to think of our future light bills.
- She has an independent streak a mile wide. (I simply can't imagine where she gets that.) She does not want your help, so don't bother asking, or heaven forbid, TRYING to help. That only gets you a looped chorus of "No-no-no-no-no-no-no." As a result, everything takes forEVER to accomplish, and it sometimes, as I told Jon the other night, feels like you are trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.
- School continues to be a big hit. She talks about going all the time, and she knows the days of the weeks that she goes on now as well. She also loves to go to Little Gym, and is starting to get braver and try more things there.
- Potty-training was surprisingly easily, and aside from the random accident, she's pretty much 100% daytime trained now. She's even using the BIG potty these days. I have yet to tackle night-time training, and quite frankly, am not even sure how to go about it. For now, I'm quite content having her in a diaper overnight and during nap time.
Here are a couple-three photos:

Awesome on the potty training! LOL at "forty-teen" (Gracie uses eleventeen) and the light switches. Can she do doorknobs yet? 'Cause that's a FUN time. No more privacy whatsoever.
No, she doesn't quite have those down yet, but most of the doors in our house suck, so generally, she can just push them to get them open anyway. :P
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