November 10, 2010

Happy Halloween (a few days late).

This was the first year that Ella actually got into Halloween.  She was definitely excited to dress up ("Need dress up like Awice!"), and the idea of candy in a bucket -- well, that was just about the best thing anyone could have suggested to her.

Jon and I decided she's still a little young for actual trick-or-treating, but she did have a couple of parties -- we went to one the Thursday before Halloween at the Natural Science Center, and on Friday, her preschool had a party as well.   It didn't take her long at all to

catch on to the idea of playing games and getting candy.

She went as Alice in Wonderland, and I was happy with her costume.  We'd tried to find one that was a slightly different style when we were in FL, but it wasn't available in a XXS.  As it was, her costume kept wanting to slip off her shoulders, so I'm glad we didn't buy the other one in a bigger size.    She'll be able to wear it when we take her to WDW in January as well, so that's a nice bonus.

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