December 28, 2010

Christmas Redux 2010

Christmas has come and gone again -- all expect for the tree, which will be taken down after the new year.

This was the first year that Ella really "got it", I think, although the whole Santa thing was still a little fuzzy.  Despite our efforts, we did not wind up taking her to see him.  If we had, she might have connected the dots a bit more.  She knows who he is though -- any time she would see him on the TV or where ever, she'd say "Dat's Santa!"  So it wasn't completely lost on her.

She enjoyed her presents a lot this year -- the biggest hits were the play kitchen that Santa brought, and the bike (tricycle) that Grandma and Pop got her.

Opening presents with her was funny.  When we would ask her what she got, the response was sometimes, "It's a box!" or "I got...this!" Even if she wasn't sure what she had, she was excited about it nonetheless, which was really cute.

Here are a few photos from Christmas Eve at my parents' house, and Christmas morning at home:

New bike!

New books! 

Bakin' cookies. 


Hope everyone else had a great Christmas as well!

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