December 21, 2010

My New Toy.

With our pending trip to Walt Disney World with Ella and my parents (Ella's first trip, and the first time in about 20  years that my parents have been),  Jon and I decided that it was time to upgrade our camera.  Jon gave me the little Olympus point-and-shoot we'd been using about 2 or 3 years ago, and the quality of the pictures just wasn't where we wanted it to be...especially when trying to shoot a 2.5 year old who's constantly on the move.

So after much -- MUCH -- research, mostly on Jon's part, and visiting several local stores to try out the options in person, we finally decided on this bad boy:

The Sony Alpha 290a.

My very first DSLR -- be still, my itchy shutter finger.

I've only had it about a week, so clearly, I've got lots and lots and lots to learn.  But boy, I like this camera.  I like it a lot.

Here are a few shots I've taken in the past week.

She's not drugged, she just can't NOT blink.



1 comment:

Sara said...

OMG that first pic of Gussy made me LOL! She looks like she's trying SO HARD not to eat you (even though I know she wouldn't). Just the look on her face!